Flat Vector Icons for Applications

Axialis Flat Design Vector Icons


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20 icons + IconGenerator Free

Quick Facts
  • Flat Colorful Design for web sites & applications
  • 16 Sets, 2640 Icons & 100 Overlays, thousands of possibilities
  • Optimized for 24x24 grid
  • Flat Color Palette
  • AI, SVG, XAML, PDF, EPS, PS vector formats
  • PNG, BMP, JPG, ICO, ICNS bitmap formats at any sizes
  • IconGenerator compatible
  • Shaded Colorization possible
  • Lifetime Commercial License

Description of the icon set

Axialis Flat Design icon set was designed for use in web sites & applications. The style is flat, colorful & slightly rounded which lets you create modern & friendly user interfaces:

Icons are based on vectors and aligned on a 24x24 grid for pixel perfect results at small sizes. They are provided in various vector and bitmap file formats.

This set is compatible with Axialis IconGenerator. This free application lets you customize the icons with overlays, perform colorization and generate almost all major file formats.

Many ready-to use icon files are included in each set, including AI (all in one), AI (individual files), SVG, XAML, PS, EPS, PNG (sizes 1x, 2x, 3x).

Quick Purchase
Word Processing
User Management
Hardware Network
Web & Email

One license required per developer
using the set. Axialis Lifetime License.

The following icon sets are currently available:

Compatible with IconGenerator

Icon sets are compatible with Axialis IconGenerator. Our free application lets you create all file formats, make derivations with overlays and colorize the icons. The application is very easy to use and is included in each icon set:

Axialis IconGenerator has many features, including:

  • Generation of Vector files: SVG, XAML, PS, EPS, PDF;
  • Generation of Bitmap files at any sizes: PNG, BMP, JPEG, ICO, ICNS, Image Strips;
  • Customization of icons with overlays and Colorization;
  • Management of icon collections;
  • And much more...

Many overlay images are included in the icon sets. They let you illustrate actions or states associated to an icon like ADD, REMOVE, INFO, ERROR, etc. With Axialis IconGenerator you can associate them to icons in a few clicks and place them at 4 different positions:

You can also choose to colorize the icons to match a specific interface color. This icon is colorized using shades of tints keeping the flat style.

 $66  $33

Version 1.1 - Jan 10, 2017

One license is required for each
developer using the set.

Quantity: user(s)

BASIC Set - 330 icons

This set covers all your needs to illustrate common functions and objects such as find, save, print, documents, clipboard, navigation, help, windows, views and much more.

To let you cover all your needs, Axialis IconGenerator is provided in the icon set. This free application lets you generate all files formats, customize with overlays and colorize icons. If you need specific additional icons, contact us to suggest them.

The Basic icon set contains 330 unique icons and 73 overlays. This lets you create thousands of different icons for your all your needs. Below is a preview of the base icons without derivations Click here to see the full set at scale 4:1 with icon labels (quality has been altered and red lines have been added for copy protection reasons):

 $66  $33
Database Set

Version 1.1 - Mar 28, 2017

One license is required for each
developer using the set.

Quantity: user(s)

DATABASE Set - 142 icons

This set covers all your needs to illustrate DATABASE functions such as archive, browse, cloud, big data, sql, database, table, sql, query and much more.

To let you cover all your needs, Axialis IconGenerator is provided in the icon set. This free application lets you generate all files formats, customize with overlays and colorize icons. If you need specific additional icons, contact us to suggest them.

The Database icon set contains 142 unique icons and 100 overlays. This lets you create thousands of different icons for your all your needs. Below is a preview of the base icons without derivations Click here to see the full set at scale 4:1 with icon labels (quality has been altered and red lines have been added for copy protection reasons):


Version 1.1 - May 5, 2017

Download Free Icon Set

64 icons - 14.0 Mb
Contains IconGenerator Free

SOCIAL MEDIA Set - 64 icons FREE

This set covers all your needs to illustrate SOCIAL MEDIA functions. It contains button of the 64 major social media sites, each one containing the main color of the original logo.

To let you cover all your needs, Axialis IconGenerator is provided in the icon set. This free application lets you generate all files formats, customize with overlays and colorize icons. If you need specific additional icons, suggest them.

The Social Media icon set contains 64 unique icons and 100 overlays. This lets you create thousands of different icons for your all your needs. Below is a preview of the base icons without derivations Click here to see the full set at scale 4:1 with icon labels (quality has been altered and red lines have been added for copy protection reasons):

 $66  $33
Business Set

Version 1.1 - May 26, 2017

One license is required for each
developer using the set.

Quantity: user(s)

Business Set - 132 icons

This set covers all your needs to illustrate BUSINESS functions such as customer, report, employee, products, money, loan, company, business intelligence, stock and much more.

To let you cover all your needs, Axialis IconGenerator is provided in the icon set. This free application lets you generate all files formats, customize with overlays and colorize icons. If you need specific additional icons, contact us to suggest them.

The Business icon set contains 132 unique icons and 100 overlays. This lets you create thousands of different icons for your all your needs. Below is a preview of the base icons without derivations Click here to see the full set at scale 4:1 with icon labels (quality has been altered and red lines have been added for copy protection reasons):

 $66  $33
Multimedia Set

Version 1.1 - May 26, 2017

One license is required for each
developer using the set.

Quantity: user(s)

Multimedia Set - 152 icons

This set covers all your needs to illustrate MULTIMEDIA functions such as music, sound, movie, speaker, slideshow, transition, disc, ipod, 3D-glasses and much more.

To let you cover all your needs, Axialis IconGenerator is provided in the icon set. This free application lets you generate all files formats, customize with overlays and colorize icons. If you need specific additional icons, contact us to suggest them.

The Multimedia icon set contains 152 unique icons and 100 overlays. This lets you create thousands of different icons for your all your needs. Below is a preview of the base icons without derivations Click here to see the full set at scale 4:1 with icon labels (quality has been altered and red lines have been added for copy protection reasons):

 $66  $33
Word Processing

Version 1.1 - August 17, 2017

One license is required for each
developer using the set.

Quantity: user(s)

Word Processing Set - 223 icons

This set covers all your needs to illustrate WORD PROCESSING funtions, such as documents, characters, styles, paragraphs, text formatting, page setup, mailing, tables, borders and much more.

To let you cover all your needs, Axialis IconGenerator is provided in the icon set. This free application lets you generate all files formats, customize with overlays and colorize icons. If you need specific additional icons, contact us to suggest them.

The Word Processing icon set contains 223 unique icons and 100 overlays. This lets you create thousands of different icons for your all your needs. Below is a preview of the base icons without derivations Click here to see the full set at scale 4:1 with icon labels (quality has been altered and red lines have been added for copy protection reasons):

 $66  $33
User Management

Version 1.1 - January 08, 2018

One license is required for each
developer using the set.

Quantity: user(s)

User Management Set - 143 icons

This set covers all your needs to illustrate USER MANAGEMENT and PEOPLE funtions, such as users, people, license, admin, password, settings, protection, address book, authentication and much more.

To let you cover all your needs, Axialis IconGenerator is provided in the icon set. This free application lets you generate all files formats, customize with overlays and colorize icons. If you need specific additional icons, contact us to suggest them.

The User Management icon set contains 143 unique icons and 100 overlays. This lets you create thousands of different icons for your all your needs. Below is a preview of the base icons without derivations Click here to see the full set at scale 4:1 with icon labels (quality has been altered and red lines have been added for copy protection reasons):

 $66  $33

Version 1.1 - January 12, 2018

One license is required for each
developer using the set.

Quantity: user(s)

Imaging Set - 140 icons

This set covers all your needs to illustrate IMAGING and DRAWING functions, such as picture, image, tools, colors, effects, histogram, layers, brightness, rotate and much more.

To let you cover all your needs, Axialis IconGenerator is provided in the icon set. This free application lets you generate all files formats, customize with overlays and colorize icons. If you need specific additional icons, contact us to suggest them.

The Imaging icon set contains 140 unique icons and 100 overlays. This lets you create thousands of different icons for your all your needs. Below is a preview of the base icons without derivations Click here to see the full set at scale 4:1 with icon labels (quality has been altered and red lines have been added for copy protection reasons):

 $66  $33
Hardware Network

Version 1.1 - January 18, 2018

One license is required for each
developer using the set.

Quantity: user(s)

Hardware & Network Set - 164 icons

This set covers all your needs to illustrate HARDWARE and NETWORK functions, such as computer, server, network, cpu, firewall, phone, screen, tablet, usb-key and much more.

To let you cover all your needs, Axialis IconGenerator is provided in the icon set. This free application lets you generate all files formats, customize with overlays and colorize icons. If you need specific additional icons, contact us to suggest them.

The icon set contains 164 unique icons and 100 overlays. This lets you create thousands of different icons for your all your needs. Below is a preview of the base icons without derivations Click here to see the full set at scale 4:1 with icon labels (quality has been altered and red lines have been added for copy protection reasons):

 $66  $33
Web & Email

Version 1.1 - January 25, 2018

One license is required for each
developer using the set.

Quantity: user(s)

Web & Email Set - 184 icons

This set covers all your needs to illustrate WEB and EMAIL functions, such as mail, contact, internet, web-site, firewall, attachments, forum, news, mailbox and much more.

To let you cover all your needs, Axialis IconGenerator is provided in the icon set. This free application lets you generate all files formats, customize with overlays and colorize icons. If you need specific additional icons, contact us to suggest them.

The icon set contains 184 unique icons and 100 overlays. This lets you create thousands of different icons for your all your needs. Below is a preview of the base icons without derivations Click here to see the full set at scale 4:1 with icon labels (quality has been altered and red lines have been added for copy protection reasons):

 $66  $33

Version 1.1 - May 09, 2018

One license is required for each
developer using the set.

Quantity: user(s)

Spreadsheet Set - 242 icons

This set covers all your needs to illustrate SPREADSHEET functions, such as cells, sheets, workbook, charts, formats, data, calculate, formating, vba macros and much more.

To let you cover all your needs, Axialis IconGenerator is provided in the icon set. This free application lets you generate all files formats, customize with overlays and colorize icons. If you need specific additional icons, contact us to suggest them.

The icon set contains 242 unique icons and 100 overlays. This lets you create thousands of different icons for your all your needs. Below is a preview of the base icons without derivations Click here to see the full set at scale 4:1 with icon labels (quality has been altered and red lines have been added for copy protection reasons):

 $66  $33

Version 1.1 - May 17, 2018

One license is required for each
developer using the set.

Quantity: user(s)

Development Set - 175 icons

This set covers all your needs to illustrate SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT functions and objects, such as project, build, source code, objects, variables, procedure, threads, controls and much more.

To let you cover all your needs, Axialis IconGenerator is provided in the icon set. This free application lets you generate all files formats, customize with overlays and colorize icons. If you need specific additional icons, contact us to suggest them.

The icon set contains 175 unique icons and 100 overlays. This lets you create thousands of different icons for your all your needs. Below is a preview of the base icons without derivations Click here to see the full set at scale 4:1 with icon labels (quality has been altered and red lines have been added for copy protection reasons):

 $66  $33

Version 1.1 - May 23, 2018

One license is required for each
developer using the set.

Quantity: user(s)

Medical Set - 119 icons

This set covers all your needs to illustrate MEDICAL & HEALTH functions and objects, such as ambulance, blood, bone, tooth, heart, pills, doctor, virus and much more.

To let you cover all your needs, Axialis IconGenerator is provided in the icon set. This free application lets you generate all files formats, customize with overlays and colorize icons. If you need specific additional icons, contact us to suggest them.

The icon set contains 119 unique icons and 100 overlays. This lets you create thousands of different icons for your all your needs. Below is a preview of the base icons without derivations Click here to see the full set at scale 4:1 with icon labels (quality has been altered and red lines have been added for copy protection reasons):

 $66  $33

Version 1.1 - May 30, 2018

One license is required for each
developer using the set.

Quantity: user(s)

Transportation & Logistics Set - 123 icons

This set covers all your needs to illustrate TRANSPORTATION & LOGISTICS functions and objects, such as car, navigation, package, tracking number, driver, map, location, delivery, container and much more.

To let you cover all your needs, Axialis IconGenerator is provided in the icon set. This free application lets you generate all files formats, customize with overlays and colorize icons. If you need specific additional icons, contact us to suggest them.

The icon set contains 123 unique icons and 100 overlays. This lets you create thousands of different icons for your all your needs. Below is a preview of the base icons without derivations Click here to see the full set at scale 4:1 with icon labels (quality has been altered and red lines have been added for copy protection reasons):

 $66  $33

Version 1.1 - June 08, 2018

One license is required for each
developer using the set.

Quantity: user(s)

Security Set - 135 icons

This set covers all your needs to illustrate SECURITY functions and objects, such as access-code, alarm, antivirus, blockchain, certificate, policeman, camera-cctv, detector, phishing and much more.

To let you cover all your needs, Axialis IconGenerator is provided in the icon set. This free application lets you generate all files formats, customize with overlays and colorize icons. If you need specific additional icons, contact us to suggest them.

The icon set contains 135 unique icons and 100 overlays. This lets you create thousands of different icons for your all your needs. Below is a preview of the base icons without derivations Click here to see the full set at scale 4:1 with icon labels (quality has been altered and red lines have been added for copy protection reasons):


Version 1.1 - May 25, 2018

Download Free Icon Set

72 icons - 14.0 Mb
Contains IconGenerator Free


This set covers all your needs to incluse letters & major symbols in your projects.

To let you cover all your needs, Axialis IconGenerator is provided in the icon set. This free application lets you generate all files formats, customize with overlays and colorize icons. If you need specific additional icons, suggest them.

The icon icon set contains 72 unique icons and 100 overlays. This lets you create thousands of different icons for your all your needs. Below is a preview of the base icons without derivations Click here to see the full set at scale 4:1 with icon labels (quality has been altered and red lines have been added for copy protection reasons):

Free Icon Sets

In this page you'll find Free Icon Sets in the Axialis Flat Design style. This icon family, which is compatible with Axialis IconGenerator, was designed for use in web sites & applications. The style is flat, colorful & slightly rounded which lets you create modern & friendly user interfaces

Free icons are licensed under the Axialis Free Icon License. The short version is:

  • You can: use the icons in all projects, including commercial ones.
  • You must: give credits and add a link to us: "Icons by Axialis" by adding the html code below:
    <a href="https://www.axialis.com/free/icons/">Icons</a> by <a href="https://www.axialis.com">Axialis</a>
  • Please: Post about us on social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest...

The following free icon sets are currently available:


Version 1.1 - May 5, 2017

Download Free Icon Set

64 icons - 14.0 Mb
Contains IconGenerator Free

SOCIAL MEDIA Set - 64 icons

This set covers all your needs to illustrate SOCIAL MEDIA functions. It contains button of the 64 major social media sites, each one containing the main color of the original logo.

To let you cover all your needs, Axialis IconGenerator is provided in the icon set. This free application lets you generate all files formats, customize with overlays and colorize icons. If you need specific additional icons, suggest them.

The Social Media icon set contains 64 unique icons and 100 overlays. This lets you create thousands of different icons for your all your needs. Below is a preview of the base icons without derivations Click here to see the full set at scale 4:1 with icon labels (quality has been altered and red lines have been added for copy protection reasons):


Version 1.1 - May 25, 2018

Download Free Icon Set

72 icons - 14.0 Mb
Contains IconGenerator Free


This set covers all your needs to incluse letters & major symbols in your projects.

To let you cover all your needs, Axialis IconGenerator is provided in the icon set. This free application lets you generate all files formats, customize with overlays and colorize icons. If you need specific additional icons, suggest them.

The icon icon set contains 72 unique icons and 100 overlays. This lets you create thousands of different icons for your all your needs. Below is a preview of the base icons without derivations Click here to see the full set at scale 4:1 with icon labels (quality has been altered and red lines have been added for copy protection reasons):

Axialis Icons - Commercial License

This is a legal agreement between you ("user") and Axialis Software("Axialis"). This agreement applies to licenses issued via Internet and local sales representatives, and is applicable to digital and physical delivery of the icons, modified by the user or not, included in the stock icon sets ("icons"). Axialis grants the user a non-exclusive license to use the icons, as indicated herein.


The license is user-based. This means that each user of icons in projects must acquire a license. Use of icons in projects such as applications, websites, documentations or any distributed media is subject to the following terms and obligations:

The user MAY: (a) use the icons royalty-free in commercial projects, without limit of time. This means that the user can use the icons in an unlimited number of projects without paying additional fees; (b) modify, create derivative work of the icons; (c) include the icons in a project for a client as long as this client does not modify or enhance the project after delivery.

The user MAY NOT: (a) copy and distribute the icons or any portion of the set without including them in a project; (b) include a collection of icons in a project for the sole purpose of increasing the value of this project, as a library of image or icons for example; (c) sublicense, lease, rent, or transfer the icons to another; (d) include the icons in a logo or trademark; (e) use the icons in a BSD (Berkeley Systems Distribution) open source project.


This License is effective until terminated. You may terminate it at any time by destroying the icons, together with all copies thereof. This License will also terminate if you fail to comply with any term or condition of this Agreement. Upon such termination, you agree to destroy the icons, together with all copies thereof.


The icons are proprietary products of AXIALIS and are protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. The icons are licensed and not sold. You acquire only the right to use the icons and do not acquire any rights, express or implied, in the icons other than those specified in this License.


The icons are supplied "AS IS". AXIALIS disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability and of fitness for any purpose. The user must assume the entire risk of using the icons.


AXIALIS assumes no liability for damages, direct or consequential, which may result from the use of the icons, even if AXIALIS has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Any liability of the seller will be limited to refund the purchase price.

Free License with Attribution (CC BY-ND 4.0)

Axialis free icons are licensed under the CC Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International license.

This is a legal agreement between you ("user") and Axialis Software("Axialis"). This agreement applies to licenses issued via Internet and local sales representatives, and is applicable to digital and physical delivery of the icons, modified by the user or not, included in the stock icon sets ("icons"). Axialis grants the user a non-exclusive license to use the icons, as indicated herein.


Use of icons in projects such as applications, websites, documentations or any distributed media is subject to the following terms and obligations:

The user MAY: (a) use the icons royalty-free in commercial projects, without limit of time. This means that the user can use the icons in an unlimited number of projects without paying additional fees; (b) modify, create derivative work of the icons as long as you don't distribute them; (c) include the icons in a project for a client as long as this client does not modify or enhance the project after delivery.

The user MAY NOT: (a) copy and distribute the icons or any portion of the set without including them in a project; (b) include a collection of icons in a project for the sole purpose of increasing the value of this project, as a library of image or icons for example; (c) sublicense, lease, rent, or transfer the icons to another; (d) include the icons in a logo or trademark; (e) use the icons in a BSD (Berkeley Systems Distribution) open source project.

The user MUST: (a) Give credits to Axialis "Icons by Axialis" with a link to "https://www.axialis.com"; (b) Keep the derivatives. If you remix, transform, or build upon the icons, you may not distribute the modified icons.


This License is effective until terminated. You may terminate it at any time by destroying the icons, together with all copies thereof. This License will also terminate if you fail to comply with any term or condition of this Agreement. Upon such termination, you agree to destroy the icons, together with all copies thereof.


The icons are proprietary products of AXIALIS and are protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. The icons are licensed and not sold. You acquire only the right to use the icons and do not acquire any rights, express or implied, in the icons other than those specified in this License.


The icons are supplied "AS IS". AXIALIS disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability and of fitness for any purpose. The user must assume the entire risk of using the icons.


AXIALIS assumes no liability for damages, direct or consequential, which may result from the use of the icons, even if AXIALIS has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Any liability of the seller will be limited to refund the purchase price.