Lesson 1.6 - Using collision effects

In this lesson, we'll learn how to add collision effects to the screensaver. Currently, the sprites overlap when they encounter each other, they do not collide. You can make them collide like balls on a pool table.

Setting the collision parameters

1. First, be sure to be in "Stopped" mode. Double-click on the sprite "Blue Sphere" in the list.

2. Click on the Sound & Collision tab if necessary. Select "Level 1" in the Object Collision Level list. The application supports several collision levels.
For example, if you set the blue and red balls to level 1, and if you set the green and spinning balls to level 2: blue and red balls will collide together but they won't collide with green and spinning balls. You can consider levels like invisible layers in which sprites are moving.

The rule is simple: Two sprites must be in the same level to collide together. Collision level are not related to sprite order in the project (ie. the order of sprites in the project list).

3. Select "Change path" in the Collision with another object option. This option is mostly used. This permits to change the motion path of the object after the collision (like this is the case for 2 balls on a pool table for example).

4. When done, click OK. You changed the option for the blue ball.

5. Now, repeat the same procedure for green, red and spinning balls.

6. When all the collision settings are set, try your screensaver full screen (F11) or switch to "play" mode. Much more fun, isn't it?

Add sounds to collisions

7. You can add sounds when the sprites collide together. This could be a cool addition to your screensaver (don't add too much sounds though!). Double-click on the sprite "Spinning Ball" in the list:

8. Select the Sound & Collision tab if necessary. In the Collision Sounds group, we'll specify a sound in the Between Objects zone. You can specify a full pathname in this zone but we recommend you to click on the "..." button and select the following file: "...\My Documents\Axialis Librarian\Media Files\Sounds\Sound07.wav". The full pathname to this file appear in the edit zone.

9. You can hear the sound by clicking on the Play button. When done, click OK. Each time a sprite collide with the Spinning Ball you'll hear this sound. If you want to hear the collision sounds, you must test the screensaver full screen (F11). The collision sound are not audible in Play mode.

IMPORTANT: Only WAV sounds are supported for collision sound. The sound feature can be disabled by the end user (in the compiled screensaver).


 Lesson 7 - Defining a background music