Resize/Rotate image
Before proceeding with this topic you need know how to work with selections.
Resize part of the drawing using the mouse
1. Select a region with the selection tool. The selection border contains 8 handles which permits you to resize the image. Handles located in the corners () permits to resize the image in two dimensions. The other ones, located in the middle of the borders (
) permit to resize the image in one dimension:
2. Place the mouse pointer over one of the handles. It changes to this a double-arrow indicating the way you'll be able to resize the image.
3. Use drag & drop to resize the selected image. If you resize in 2 dimensions (corner handles), you can keep and original aspect ratio of the image by pressing the Shift key.
4. Release the mouse button, resized part of the image is now a floating selection. Place it to the desired location and apply the floating selection.
Resize part of the drawing using a dialog box
1. Select a region with the selection tool.
2. Choose Draw/Scale or press "S". A dialog box opens.
3. Specify the new size and click OK.
4. The resized part of the image is now a floating selection. Place it to the desired location and apply the floating selection.
Rotate part of the drawing
1. Select a region with the selection tool.
2. Choose Draw/Rotate or press "R". A dialog box opens.
3. Specify the rotate angle and click OK.
4. The rotated part of the image is now a floating selection. Place it to the desired location and apply the floating selection.
Rotate part of the drawing to 90° angle
1. Select a region with the selection tool.
2. Choose Draw/Rotate 90° CCW or press "Z". A dialog box opens.
3. The rotated part of the image is now a floating selection. Place it to the desired location and apply the floating selection.