Open a bitmap image

IconWorkshop has been optimized to work with small images. Therefore, it is intended to be used for edition of illustration images rather than large photos. If you open an image larger than 1024x1024 pixel, you'll be prompted to open it in the viewer rather than the editor.

IconWorkshop supports the following color depths in images: 32 BPP (RGB with Alpha Channel transparency), 24 BPP (RGB, simulated transparency), 8 BPP (256 colors, simulated transparency), 4 BPP (16 fixed colors, simulated transparency) and 1 BPP (Monochrome). To learn more about supported image formats, read this topic: Which bitmap images are supported?

Open a bitmap image

1. Choose File/Open, a standard dialog box opens. Browse your disks and select an Image file. Click Open.

2. An editor window opens with the bitmap image ready for edition.

REMARKS - If the image is larger than 1024x1024, you'll be prompted to open it in the viewer rather than the editor. If IconWorkshop detects an image strip, you'll be prompted to open it in the appropriate editor. Later, you can switch the edit mode back to regular image.