Methods to define colors RGB/HSB

Axialis IconWorkshop™ uses two methods for defining color palettes or swatches.

RGB Method

The RGB color model is the standard representation. In this model, each value represents the Red, Green or Blue lights. RGB colors are called "Additive", that is, the values of each color component are combined to emit the final color. This way, as any RGB value is incremented, the resulting color becomes lighter. The white color, for instance, is given by the maximum value of each value (Red=255, Green=255, Blue=255), and black is given by the absence of light in each value (Red=0, Green=0, Blue=0).

HSB Method

The HSB color model is just a mathematical representation of color, in a way more similar to our color perception. For instance, the HSB model breaks the color into three components: The Hue (which would be the "pure" color), the percentage of Saturation ("how much" color) and the Brightness of the color (also a percentage). The Hue comes in the range of 0 to 360. This model comes in handy where the RGB model can't help, for instance, classifying similar colors, classifying colors by levels of darkness, sorting colors, etc.