Copy a media file to the Clipboard
When a file is opened in a viewer document window, you can copy it in the clipboard. Two elements are copied in the Clipboard:
The displayed image (if the document contains an image)
The full pathname to the document file. It may be useful to add the document in a project for example.
1. Create a File Browser window by choosing File/New/File Browser (Ctrl+Shift+O).
2. Browse your disks and select the appropriate folder in the left pane. The media files included in the folder appear in the right pane.
3. Select the file you wish to copy.
4. Double click on it or choose File Browser/Open Item (Enter) or right-click on it and choose Open in the menu.
Copy to the Clipboard
5. Select Edit/Copy (Ctrl+C).
Paste the media file in a project
6. Select a project document (screensaver or other) and choose Edit/Paste (Ctrl+V).