Add a description to a compiled file

You can customize your screen saver by specifying a Title, a Copyright, a Web and a Comment. This information will be displayed in the Configure dialog box of the screen saver.

Add a description to a compiled file

1. Click on the NEXT button in the Compile an Installable Icon Library- Step 1 of 6 dialog box.

2. In the Filename area, specify the final filename of the Icon Library (The name of the ICL file created after the installation). Now, you can personalize your Icon Library below. This information will be displayed in About and installation Screens.

3. In the Title area, specify the Title that will be displayed in large Font at the top of the Install window.

4. In the Copyright area, specify a Copyright that will be displayed (in medium bold font) under the title at the top of the install window

5. In the Author area, specify the Author name. Usually, the person name who created icons.

6. In the Web Site area, specify the Web Address of your personal page or company site (for example:

7. In the About box Comment area, specify a Comment associated with the icon library. This comment will be displayed in the About box of the install procedure. (1024 characters max).