Use an Activation Code
Using this feature, you'll be able to force the user to enter an Activation Code to Install the Icon library. The Codes will be generated using the two following ID numbers.
Use an Activation Code
1. Click on the NEXT button in the Compile an Installable Icon Library- Step 4 of 6 dialog box.
2. If you check Use an Activation Code, you'll force the user to enter an Activation Code during the install procedure. If you do so, the user will have to enter a valid Activation Code (provided by you and that you can generate with this program) to proceed with the installation. You'll be able to Generate Activation Codes using a built-in feature after the compilation (Alt+F6).
3. In the Icon Library ID area, specify the Library ID (an 8 digit hexadecimal number - 32 bits) that will be used to generate the Activation Codes. Two IDs are used to generate the codes: The Library ID (which is different for each library you compiled) and the Company ID (which is constant but differs for another company).
4. In the Company/Author ID area, specify the Company ID (an 8 digit hexadecimal number - 32 bits) that will be used to generate the Activation Codes. Two IDs are used to generate the codes: The Library ID (which is different for each library you compiled) and the Company ID (which is constant but differs for another company).
Each digit in a hexadecimal number is coded from 0 to 9 and A to F (A=10 ... F=15). This is a typical computer notation. The number here is just a proposal based on several Icon Library properties. You can freely modify and customize it. If you customize this number, do not enter a 'simplistic' one. Don't forget to place this number in a sure place. You'll need it to generate the Activations Codes later (using the built-in feature, after the compilation - Alt+F6).
5. If you check Code based on User Name, you wish the install procedure to require an Activation Code based on the User Name. This option is more secure but forces you to generate one Code per user (see below). If you don't activate this option, the install procedure will use a standard numerical Activation Code.
More information on Activation Codes
Two kinds of Activation Codes have been implemented in Axialis IconWorkshop™:
Based on the user name: The user has to enter its name and the activation code using this format: 1234-1234-1234-1234 (4 groups of 4 digits).
Pro: The user have to provide his name if he wants to publish the code.
Con: The author has to manually generate a code for each user.
NOT based on the user name: The user just enters a longer activation code using this format: 123456-1234-1234-1234-1234
Pro: The author can automatically generate a list of codes.
Con: The user can anonymously publish his code.
You'll be able to Generate Activation Codes using a built-in feature after the compilation (Alt+F6).